Choosing and learning the first wedding dance. How to dance at a wedding complete guide.
Beautiful wedding dance Tender, exciting, inspiring, enchanting…. All this is the first wedding dance. This is a little story about happy love, ardent feelings and boundless happiness, which the young couple without words tells friends and family under the sounds of unusually beautiful music.
Today, as in ancient times, the performance of the first dance of the newly wedded husband and wife – one of the “mandatory” and enjoyable events of any modern wedding event. And even if the young people have neither a sense of rhythm, nor a special sense of music, this magnificent action can be interesting and mesmerizing: it requires only a little free time and, of course, a great desire to dance!
The first dance of the young couple: where did this tradition come from?
The tradition of performing a wedding dance among the Slavic peoples originated in ancient times. However, in those years it looked a little different from today: the invited guests danced in a merry round dance, while the young people sat at the banquet table and watched the event from a distance.
After learning the European traditions, our noble ancestors began to learn waltzes and mazurkas for the wedding balls: the ability of graceful dancing was valued by weight of gold. Soon the wedding ball dance moved from the royal choirs to the celebrations of people of lower social status and became widely popular. Thus, the first dance of the young couple took a firm place among the wedding rituals and signs, becoming a kind of prediction of the development of the entire subsequent life together of the newlyweds.
The modern dance of the bride and groom: from the classics to the exclusive
Today, the first dance of the young couple is an interesting combination of classical aristocratic traditions and modern dance trends. Each couple decides for itself, under what music she would like to tell the guests about their history of love and friendship, so depending on preferences, the dance can be both gentle and quiet, and very rhythmic and mischievous. So what dances are especially popular today, and how can newlyweds make their choice? Let’s try to find out.
No wonder that the noble and beautiful waltz is the most preferred dance by newlyweds. Measured English or refined Viennese – its majestic movements are perfect for such an important event. The figures of the waltz are relatively simple and easy to understand and learn, beautiful and graceful. Watching the waltz performed by the young couple is enjoyed by all the guests, and the bride’s classic bouffant dress is the best fit for its performance. Therefore, if you want to present your loved ones with a real delight, the waltz will be the best option for the first wedding dance, even if you prepare it yourself.
Slow Foxtrot wedding dance
This is another classic ballroom dance, often performed at wedding celebrations – calm, measured, but, at the same time, very temperamental. A few simple figures and easy even for beginners pas create a mesmerizing dance choreography, the beauty of which is simply impossible to take your eyes away. Performing the foxtrot in a spacious hall with the interior made in the old style, the young couple can easily conquer the audience with grace and grace. But there is one “but”: Due to the complexity of the dance melody’s rhythm and peculiarities of the movement, it is better to learn foxtrot with a professional teacher.
Tango – it is a bright, expressive and willful dance about irrepressible passionate love, performed under the rhythmic, but at the same time restrained music. By the way, its movements are more complex and distinct than the movements of the waltz or foxtrot. Wedding Tango always looks very spectacular, but this dance does not suit everyone: only newlyweds with an explosive character, existing choreographic skills and a good sense of rhythm will be able to perform it worthily.
Latin American dances
The exciting sounds of Latin American music, that conquered the hearts of millions of people around the world, can not help but fascinate: these dances perfectly combine a hot sensuality and unforgettable emotional tension. Beautiful professional wedding dance staging under the bright rhythmic melodies is always amazing and extraordinary.
But, as in the case of the tango, to perform them you need an excellent sense of rhythm and a musical ear. In addition, the appropriate image of the couple is important – it is unlikely that a fiery “cha-cha-cha” or romantic “rumba” will look interesting performed by the newlyweds, dressed in a classic tailcoat and a floor-length puffy dress. But if you plan to make your wedding original, be sure to opt for dances that have come to us from Latin America.

Exclusive Mix Dances
The first wedding dance, which is an incredibly original symbiosis of several dances, different in genre, is gaining popularity among newlyweds every year. Such dances surprise by a sudden contrasting change of melodies, sometimes by an unexpected change of image and appearance, as well as by the originality and uniqueness of the movements. As a rule, “mixes” are performed under several compositions composed in a row with a special meaning or melodies that evoke pleasant memories in the couple. Such a dance can be easily put yourself – you can move to your favorite music the way your heart prompts you.
Stylized dances
Stylized dances are another direction of the first wedding dance, quickly gaining popularity. Do you want to hold your celebration in the style of “Moulin Rouge”, “styling” or with a certain national bias – in Indian, Greek, Slavic or Arabian style? Then you definitely need to learn a stylized dance! Believe me, it will not only leave a long-lasting impression on the wedding of your guests and emphasize the individuality of your couple, but also allow you to make a reality of long-held dreams about this important event.
Other dances
Other dances, quite often performed by young people at the wedding reception, can include simple improvisations to music: in such cases, the newlyweds usually do not agree in advance with the toastmaster on the melody for their movements. And for such a dance to be interesting, the young should have at least basic choreographic skills or ingenuity and, preferably, a good sense of humor, otherwise your love story will look boring shuffling from foot to foot and will make guests bored.
Wedding Dance Come to learn or try not to torture?
During the preparation for the wedding reception, many couples face the choice of how best to do – to think and learn the first dance on their own, saving the family budget, or to translate into reality a dream dance, taking a few lessons from a professional choreographer? Well, if we are honest, then both options have their pros and cons. Now we will tell you about them, and you decide which direction to go.
First, let’s try to understand whether you need lessons for staging the first wedding dance and what they can give you. Thus, professional lessons in the preparation of the young couple’s dance will allow you to:
- Learn any spectacular moves
- If you want to learn how to move to your favorite melody
- Get a lot of new positive emotions from visiting the dancing studio together
- please and amaze your guests at the celebration
- But despite such a radiant, it would seem, the staged dances can bring disappointment:
- The space of the venue for the celebration may not be suitable for the performance of the chosen figures
- the floor can be slippery, which means that accidental falls and injuries are possible, because in some poses it are very difficult to remain on their feet, even for “advanced” dancers
- One of the young can simply forget the sequence of figures and movements, which will lead to an unsuccessful pause and stiffness of the couple during the dance
In addition, to learn and memorize the wedding dance of the young with a teacher to practice at least 2-3 times a week for about a month. This means that you will need to allocate at least 6 hours of free time per week and, of course, spend a decent portion of the family budget.
Staging your own wedding dance will allow you to:
- Study together at a time when you can afford it, even in spite of sudden “emergency” circumstances (for example, late evening hours)
- not to learn overly difficult and sometimes awkwardly performed by beginners, imposed by the teacher, just because he or she insanely likes them
- Conduct an independent preliminary “rehearsal” in the hall for the celebration at a convenient time for you
- Save money that can be spent on other, more important details of the wedding reception
- Avoid unnecessary pre-wedding worries that there is no dance school in your locality (for example, if you live somewhere in the outback).
In addition, choosing a dream dance is not difficult at all – to do this, ask your parents, acquaintances or colleagues, or just look for information and videos on the Internet.
However, your own preparation has some important disadvantages:
– May not be as spectacular as with a teacher (which is especially true for complete beginners to dance)
– It might take you a little longer (you have to try to understand and learn the movements by yourself).
But no matter how difficult it is for you in the first days of classes, you will be able to achieve success and in the independent preparation of the dance – the most important thing in this case, of course, your persistence and desire!
The first wedding dance One, two, three, four, five – let’s start dancing!
Well, if you are reading these lines, then most likely you have decided to learn the art of choreography yourself. And we, in turn, are happy to share with you some tricks and simple teaching moments with which you can flawlessly perform a wedding dance and conquer the guests.
How do you dance as a guest at a wedding?
When attending a wedding as a guest, it is important to be respectful of the bride and groom and their families. There are a few things to keep in mind when dancing at a wedding. First, wait until the bride and groom have had their first dance. Once they have finished, you can join in the dancing. When dancing, be sure to keep your movements gentle and graceful. Avoid doing anything that could be considered too risque or inappropriate. It is also important to be aware of the other guests. Don’t step on anyone’s toes or bump into them while dancing. And be sure to leave the dance floor when the music stops so that other guests can have a turn. By following these tips, you can ensure that you will have a fun and enjoyable time dancing at a wedding.
What kind of dancing do you do at a wedding?
At a wedding, there are typically a few different types of dances that take place. The first is the traditional wedding march, in which the bride and groom walk down the aisle together. This is often followed by the bride and groom’s first dance, which is a more intimate dance between the newlyweds. There may also be dances between the bride and her parents, the groom and his parents, and other couples.
What are the 5 basic dance moves?

The five basic dance moves are the waltz, the tango, the foxtrot, the cha-cha, and the rumba.
What order do the dances happen at a wedding?
The order of dances at a wedding can vary depending on the couple’s preferences and the style of the wedding, but there are some dances that are typically included. The processional, when the bride and her attendants walk down the aisle, is usually followed by the bridal march, a song specifically written for the bride. The bride and groom then usually have their first dance, followed by dances between the bride and her father, the groom and his mother, and the bride and groom and their parents. There may also be a dance between the bride and groom and their grandparents. The cake cutting and bouquet toss are also popular wedding dances.